Red Background with Roman columns and a picture of Suzanne Mizera and James Risch

John and Penelope Biggs Department of Classics Announces first Recipients of Awards from the Suzanne Mizera and James Risch Fund for Student Research and Resources in Classics

18 graduate and undergraduate students have benefited from the Suzanne Mizera and James Risch Fund for Student Research and Resources in Classics in its inaugural year.

Established through the generosity of WashU Alumni Suzanne Mizera and James Risch, the fund supports undergraduate and graduate students in Classics in their research, travel, and study.

The following students received awards in 2024-2025:

Bayla Kamens, PhD student in Classics, is teaching a first-year seminar entitled “Ancient Mediterranean Textile Production.” With an award from the fund, Bayla purchased materials that allowed the course’s 14 students to do hands-on work practicing the techniques of ancient spinning and weaving.

Classics major Vedul Palavajjhala used his award to attend the annual meeting of the Society of Classical Studies in Philadelphia. There he participated in sessions on digital Classics, gaining knowledge and connections of great value to his capstone project, where he is using digital methods to identify passages in which Tacitus emulates, or is heavily influenced by, Livy’s style.

Jake Pawlush, PhD student in Classics, used his award for his membership in the American Numismatic Society. The membership gives Jake access to numerous resources that will help him in his continuing work in ancient Greek history.

An award to Classics major Heidi Tamm will allow her to join the department’s Ampersand program on “Democracy & Myth in Ancient Greece” in Greece as a student assistant to Senior Lecturer Kate Wilson and Lecturer Regina Loehr.