The John & Penelope Biggs Department of Classics is exceptionally pleased to have a record number of graduating students this year, in both our graduate and undergraduate programs. The Classics’ faculty & staff hosted congratulatory lunches for the Master’s and Bachelor’s graduates, for both Classics and Ancient Studies.
Faculty presented awards and shared heartfelt sentiments along with the accomplishments of each graduate; we continue to wish them well as we send off the Class of 2024!
Presented Awards
Conrad Award
Ana Maria Nunez
Emily Ward
Service Award
Percy Kaylor
Tavenner Award
Kevin Swaggerty
Roy Claverie
Weltin Award
Grace Tillman
MAs and PhDs: Josh Bayona, Bayla Kamens, Joe McDonald, Jake Pawlush, Philip Register, and Chris Robertson
Majors and Minors: Carson Brame, Carrisa Burns, Ankit Chhajed, Roy Claveire, Alex Djetto, Sydney Hlavaty, Guowei Jia, Costi Karakousis, Percy Kaylor, Jack MacLean, Ana Maria Nunez, Jonah Schwartz, David Seymour, Madelyn Shapiro, Braxton Sizemore, Grace Tillman, Emily Ward, and David White