Funding Opportunities

Awards from the Department of Classics

The Penelope Biggs Travel Award

The Penelope Biggs Travel Award funds travel related to Classical Studies for students and faculty. 

The Robert Lamberton and Susan Rotroff Fund in Classics

The Robert Lamberton and Susan Rotroff Fund in Classics supports any form of summer study by undergraduate or graduate students in the Department of Classics, or by undergraduate or graduate students in the Department of Art History and Archaeology whose primary interest is in ancient Greece and/or Rome. 

The Kevin Herbert Memorial Fund in Classics

The Kevin Herbert Memorial Fund in Classics supports special study opportunities related to Classics for undergraduate or graduate students, including research, travel, and internships. 

The Suzanne Mizera and James Risch Fund for Student Research and Resources in Classics

This fund supports up to 40 hours of work as a paid research assistant to a Classics faculty member; expenses related to independent research projects; or assist Classics students with financial need to acquire books, technology or other materials necessary for study.

Other Awards at Washington University

George R. Throop Endowment

The purpose of the George R. Throop Endowment is to promote studies of Western Classics and Archaeology. The income from this endowed fund is to be awarded annually to a student(s) or academic for preparation of an accepted Classics study or participation in a recognized archaeological project. The award is administered by faculty in the Interdisciplinary Program in Archaeology.

The Office of Undergraduate Research 

Washington University's Office of Undergraduate Research provides funding and other resources for WashU undergraduates wishing to carry out independent research.

Bemis and Eisner Research Scholarships: Undergraduate Summer Research in Europe

The Research Scholarships are available to undergraduate students at Washington University to undertake an original independent research project in Europe prior to graduation, whether during the summer break or in addition to a structured semester abroad program.

Newman Exploration Travel Fund (NEXT) - University Libraries

Any eligible student or member of the Danforth Campus faculty and staff with an open mind and sense of adventure is invited to apply for the Newman Exploration Travel Fund. Travel for the fund should be for the purpose of intellectual, cultural, and/or scholarly development, personal growth and expanded awareness, conducting research toward academic or personal learning goals, and/or service or contribution to the greater good. 


Awards from Professional Organizations

Jane C. Waldbaum Archaeological Field School Scholarship

The Waldbaum Scholarship, offered by the Archaeological Institute of America, provides funding for undergraduate students with little to no prior field experience to participate in archaeological fieldwork. Open to students who have begun their junior year of undergraduate studies at the time of application and have not yet completed their first year of graduate school, the scholarship supports travel and living expenses for their first excavation or survey project.

Frank M. Snowden Jr. Undergraduate Scholarship

The purpose of the scholarship is to further students’ preparation in classics or classical archaeology with opportunities not available during the school year. Eligible proposals might include (but are not limited to) participation in classical summer programs or field schools in Italy, Greece, Egypt, etc., or language training at institutions in the U.S, Canada, or Europe.

H.R. Butts Scholarship for Fieldwork in Classical Archaeology

Open to undergraduates with Eta Sigma Phi membership who will be rising juniors, seniors, or newly graduated and to members who have received a Bachelor's degree within the eight years prior to application. The scholarship is intended for archeological fieldwork conducted between the spring and fall semesters.

The Sportula

Microgrants to support underprivileged students and young scholars in Classics.

Classical Association of the Middle West and South Awards