Summer Language Study

hone your language skills over the summer

call for proposals

The Robert Lamberton and Susan Rotroff Fund in Classics supports summer study by undergraduate or graduate students.

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Latin Immersion Experiences

Conventiculum Dickinsoniense
The Conventiculum Dickinsoniense is located at Dickinson College, Pennsylvania. The stimulating program at Dickinson college focuses around reading, discussing, and interpreting Latin texts using Latin only as the communicative language.

Living Latin in New York City 
Living Latin in New York City is a two-day Living Latin conference in the heart of Manhattan. It is designed to allow teachers and students of Latin to explore and practice the active use of Latin in the classroom. In the fabulous setting of Fordham University’s Lincoln Center Campus, the program includes lectures on various aspects of Latin language and pedagogy and smaller sessions in which participants practice spoken Latin techniques themselves. Daily coffee hours and one optional group dinner allow for informal contact and exchange with other teachers. Professional development credit is available.

Paideia Institute Summer Programs in Classics 
The Paideia Institute offers Latin and Greek programs in Rome and Greece, as well as a program for high-school students and online opportunities. 

Latin Only Conventiculum/Workshop 
Located at the Austrian Institute of Rome and sponsored by the Academia Latinitati Fovendae. Anyone interested in contributing a paper or simply taking part in this Conventiculum should contact professor Dirk Sacré at:

Latin Speakers in Virginia
A group of Latinists in South Hampton Roads (Virginia) has been meeting monthly to practice Latin speaking and listening skills. Anyone interested in joining this group should contact Mary Lou Burke: