Graduate students to give papers at CAMWS annual meeting

Four Classics graduate students will be giving papers at the annual meeting of the Classical Association of the Middle-West and South!

Marleigh Anderson, Ian McNeely, Kirby Schoephoerster, and Kayla Zoschg  will travel to Birmingham, AL in March to present the following, respectively:

"Chase the Hymn: Music and Magic in the PGM Hymn to Hermes"

"Melodies for the Syrinx: Longus’ Musical Mixing and the Myth of Echo"

“Publius Clodius Biaiothanatos: Cicero’s Oratorical Necromancy in Pro Milone 79”

"Addressing a King: Direct Address in Oedipus Tyrannus"


More information about the CAMWS annual meeting can be found here.