Classics Department Hosts Annual Student Research Colloquium Remotely

On April 27 the Washington University Classics Department held its annual student Research Colloquium via Zoom.

Student presenters included:

Peter Satterthwaite: “GIS Approaches to the Thasian Peraia

Henry Schott: “The Temple of Magna Mater: A Case for ‘Temple-Stages’”

Jessica Tu: “Lygdamus, Cypassis, and Co.”

Madison Ihrig: “Toil and Trouble: Contemporary Witch-Hunts’ Influence on Jacobean Medeas"

Grace Kavinsky: “Classical Inheritance and Race: Sexual Violence and Political Change in Livy’s Ab Urbe Condita and The Birth of a Nation


Connor Raikar: "Producing an Ideology: Horace and Mao Zedong’s Construction of the Other.”