WashU Classics Faculty and Students share mythology with local students

Washington University’s Classics Department, with the cooperation of the University’s Institute for School Partnership and the Kemper Art Museum, has shared insights on Greek and Roman mythology with two groups from local schools.  On February 16th Assistant Professor Tom Keeline and undergraduate Classics majors Ethan Farber and Peter Satterthwaite presented for fifth graders of the Kipp Triumph Academy in St. Louis.  On February 23rd Classics graduate students Phillip Caprara, Allison Ditmore, Jennifer Wiebe, and Constantine Karathanasis joined Ashley Ray of the Department of Art History and Archaeology in sharing myths of the Argonauts and Medea with seventh graders from Remington Traditional School in Maryland Heights, Missouri.


(Classics graduate students Allison Ditmore and Jennifer Wiebe prepare seventh graders of Remington Traditional School to act out myths of Medea and the Argonauts)


(Classics graduate student Phillip Caprara shares myths of Medea and the Argonauts)

(Assistant Professor of Classics Tom Keeline (center) and Classics Majors Peter Satterthwaite (left) and Ethan Farber (right) regale fifth graders of the Kipp Triumph Academy with myths.)