Using your training
An undergraduate or graduate degree in Classics or Ancient Studies is excellent preparation for many careers. Our graduates have found success in a wide range of fields, including science, business, law, medicine, and academia. Within six months of graduation, 100% of reporting 2017 graduates had secured opportunities.
Visit the career center to explore outcome data
External Resources
American Classical League Job Placement Service
The go-to site for help finding secondary teaching jobs
Society for Classical Studies Job Placement Service
The service for college and university job seekers and hiring departments in Classics
Society for Classical Studies page on careers for classicists
Discussions and resources on the variety of careers open to Classics degree holders (continually updated)
PhDs.org database
A site that helps applicants to PhD programs review program rankings and placement data
Classical Association of the Midwest and South
A roundup of links to Classics graduate (MA and PhD) and post-baccalaureate programs in North America
The Paideia Institute's Legion Project
An ever-growing network and "facebook" of people using their Classics degrees in many different ways
Careers for Classicists: Undergraduate Edition
A source of practical advice for Classics undergrads, including profiles of diverse careers
National Committee for Latin and Greek

I look back on the education I received in the Department of Classics at Washington University with much gratitude, because it formed the basis for my entire subsequent career ... thanks to the wonderful combination of very high standards and a very supportive environment, my language skills went from zero to pretty good, good enough for me to get into a top-rated graduate program.
―James B. Rives, PhDKenan Eminent Professor, Dept. of Classics, U. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill