The department is thrilled that five undergraduate students from Rebecca Sears' Fall 2020 seminar on Horace will be representing us at the virtual Annual Meeting of the Classical Association of the Middle West and South this April 7-10. These students successfully submitted poster presentations on individual Odes of Horace, and will be able to share their work during a single poster session.
Friday, April 9, 2021
Session 12(5:30-7:30 EST) Section C: Poster session
Presentations include:
Death, Morality, and Verb Construction in Odes 2.3 Michael Ginn
Cunning Manipulation in Odes 4.12 Ben Fishman
Hypersexism: Hypermnestra in Horace’s Odes 3.11 Erin Barillier
Horace's Favorite Inspiration: Sappho vs. Alcaeus Aidan Raikar
Political Dissent in Nemoraque Specus et Antriis Nina Bhatia (Washington University at St. Louis)
Visit the program website to find out how to register and view the posters and other presentations!