
LATIN 4215

In this course we will study Plautus' Pseudolus, one of his most famous plays. While not neglecting linguistic detail and cultural context, we will focus primarily on the play as a theatrical performance. This will entail discussions of topics ranging from music to masks, as well as almost daily attempts to understand the play by performing it in our classroom. In lieu of a final exam, you will work in small groups to stage and record a scene from the play; you will also write an accompanying final paper explaining and justifying your approach to the performance. PREREQUISITES: LATIN 3171 and LATIN 3181 (OR EQUIVALENT) AND SOPHOMORE STANDING OR ABOVE.
Course Attributes: EN H; AS HUM; AS LCD; AS LS; FA HUM; AR HUM

Section 01

Plautus - 01
View Course Listing - SP2022