To apply for honors, a student should have the following:
- Junior standing
- A cumulative grade point average of 3.5 or higher
- An average of A- or better in advanced courses (300-level or higher) in Greek and/or Latin (for Classics majors) or in Classics (for Ancient Studies majors)
- Agreement of a Classics faculty member to act as advisor of the thesis and approval by the Director of Undergraduate Studies in Classics
Application to the Program
The following items must be included in the application, which is due on the Monday of the last week of classes in the junior year:
- Completed application form, with the approval of the faculty member who will supervise the thesis
- Transcript, with cumulative GPA clearly indicated
- A 1-2 page description of the project, with a preliminary bibliography
This timetable outlines the path to a May graduation. Alternative graduation plans will require appropriate adjustments to the timeline; discuss with the advisor and Director of Undergraduate Studies.
Spring semester of the Junior year
In the early part of the semester, students should begin to develop a topic and should identify and meet with a faculty member who is willing to advise the thesis.
Monday of the last week of classes: Deadline for application to the honors program
Last day of final exams period: Deadline for the Director of Undergraduate Studies to announce decisions on applications
Fall semester of the Senior year
Honors students enroll in Study for Honors (Greek 499, Latin 497, or Classics 497 as appropriate).
First week of classes: Meet with thesis advisor to develop a schedule for the timely completion of the thesis. In the course of the semester, the advisor and the student should identify two additional faculty members who will serve as readers.
First day of exams: All written work assigned for fall semester due to advisor. Typically, the advisor requires the equivalent of about 25 pages at this time. The advisor will make one of two decisions:
- Record a grade for Study for Honors and approves continuation of the project into the Spring semester, laying out a reasonable timeline for the completion of the remaining material.
- In consultation with other committee members, terminate the honors project. The student will then enroll in Classics 493 and complete the work as a Senior Project for three credits, replacing the Study for Honors credits for fall semester. Reasons for termination might be insufficient progress during the fall semester, or a drop in the GPA below the threshold of 3.5.
Spring semester of the Senior year
Student enrolls in Greek 499, Latin 498, or Classics 498.
The thesis advisor sets a reasonable date for submission of a complete draft of the thesis, typically early in February, that will allow the advisor to review the draft and provide thorough feedback for the next round of revisions.
Friday before March break: A revised draft of the thesis, double-spaced and complete with all documentation, bibliography, and illustrations, should be submitted to the full committee. The draft should be distributed to the three committee members in the form they request (electronic or paper).
Thesis defense: A brief oral presentation, followed by discussion with the thesis committee, normally within two weeks of submission of thesis. After the defense, the members of the committee discuss the thesis and decide whether it should receive honors, pending final revisions that can realistically be completed before the final deadline below. The candidate is informed of this decision immediately. The committee members return copies of the thesis, marked with requests for revisions and corrections. The student will then prepare the final version of the thesis. The advisor must give final approval to this version; the readers may request to view it one last time as well.
April date set by the College of Arts & Sciences: The College checks with departments and programs that all students in honors programs are on track to receive Latin honors. If a student is dropped from the honors program by or at this point, their work can be converted to an Independent Study for three credits.
The student will submit an electronic version of the final revised version of the thesis to the Classics Administrative Coordinator, who will check that it fits the specifications for binding and will arrange to have it bound. The department will pay for two bound copies, one for the department collection and the other for the student (this can be mailed to the graduate when it arrives).
Each semester of thesis work will be assigned a letter grade by the thesis advisor. If the thesis committee approves the thesis following the defense and the student meets College GPA qualifications, the student will be a candidate for Latin honors. The level of Latin honors (cum laude, magna cum laude, summa cum laude) is determined by the College just prior to graduation.