In this course, we will read substantial passages from the works attributed to Hesiod, an archaic period Greek poet whose style and subject matter are often contrasted to Homer, and whose influence on Greek literary culture was second only to Homer's. Hesiod's two major poems, "Theogony" and "Works and Days" form important evidence for the Greek rhapsodic tradition, and the mythological content and compressed styles of these mini-epics strongly influenced later Hellenistic Greek and Roman poets. Through discussion of readings from recent scholarship, we will consider topics including the authorship and dating of the Hesiodic corpus, Hesiod's Near-Eastern influences, oral poetics, mythography, genre studies, and narratology. Preparation of substantial Greek reading assignments will be supplemented with frequent practice of scansion (both written and oral) and the parallel development of sight translation skills. Students will be responsible for the development of a portfolio consisting of written translations, creative and interpretive mini-projects, a commentary, and an original research project.
Course Attributes: BU Hum; AS HUM; AS LCD; AS LS; EN H