Martial and Juvenal


This course examines the Epigrams of Martial and the Satires of Juvenal in their context (Rome and the Roman world of the 80s-120s CE). Near- contemporaries and acquaintances, these two poets have had a massive impact on modern perceptions of the state of Rome under Domitian, Nerva, Trajan, and Hadrian. The world they represent is actually as much a poetic world full of dramas and fictions as it is a real place. From our readings of the poets and from sources on their work and times, we will gain an understanding of their literary agendas. Topics of discussion and research will include imperial politics, the poetic career and literary tradition, Roman public spaces, amicitia and its rituals, private life, and sexual behavior. We will relentlessly practice accurate and clear Latin translation and scansion of the meters used by the epigrammatist and satirist, and every student will conduct and present original research. PREREQ: Graduate student status in Classics, or permission of the instructor.
Course Attributes:

Section 01

Martial and Juvenal
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